Make your hotel stand out
We will show you how
More and more hotel guests book their stay via social media. The tendency is rising. We are here to provide you the most suitable influencer for your hotel.
We bring tested solutions
We are the right solution for you if you need
more visibility
social media takeover
affordable great content
professional photos
What you want is to present your hotel to as many potential customers as possible and spread your image to the world, so you have time for running your business.
Influencer marketing generates new bookings from the first day on.
Your profit is our policy
You don’t need to take care of anything. We create the content strategy for your hotel campaign based on your USP. We will hand-pick the right influencer for you and at the end you will receive a full report of the campaign.
It is extremely hard to identify if an influencer is really helping the hotel or just trying to get a “free stay”. Hence, our hotelinfluencers are certified by SHS and thus, the quality is granted. Social Media is the new/old marketing channel of the new generation and you can be part of it for a very affordable exchange.
It works. We tested it. Take a look at our success stories here.